Insights from IDC on Maximizing GenAI Deployments

This blog looks at the role of LLM software platforms to improve how technology buyers build, deploy, manage, optimize, and scale GenAI.

This article summarizes the key points from IDC's Analyst Brief on maximizing the effectiveness and reach of generative AI deployments. The brief highlights the importance of leveraging LLM software platforms to manage the complexities of GenAI and provides insights into evaluating and selecting the right platform for organizational needs.

The Challenge of GenAI Adoption

The speed of GenAI adoption has created a unique set of challenges. Organizations are essentially "building the airplane while flying it," balancing the evolving technological landscape with organizational needs, processes, and use case priorities. Nearly half (48.9%) of surveyed decision-makers have engaged in over 25 GenAI proofs of concept, indicating both the urgency and the complexity of integrating GenAI solutions.

Key Takeaways from IDC's Findings

  • 89.1% of technology decision-makers have explored or implemented GenAI.
  • 70.2% believe GenAI will significantly impact their business within the next 18 months.
  • Organizations using LLM software platforms gain considerable advantages in deploying and managing GenAI solutions.

Moving Beyond the Model

IDC's research suggests that successful GenAI adoption involves more than just focusing on the underlying model. Leading organizations recognize the dynamic nature of the model ecosystem and avoid overcommitting to a single model. Instead, they leverage LLM software platforms to manage multiple models, abstracting complexity and ensuring scalability and flexibility.

Benefits of LLM Software Platforms

LLM software platforms are crucial for organizations to maximize their GenAI efforts. These platforms offer several benefits:

  1. Expanded Use Case Reach: They streamline the GenAI development process, enabling quicker, more efficient implementation across multiple use cases.
  2. Lifecycle Management: These platforms provide real-time performance insights, optimizations, and updates, ensuring continuous improvement.
  3. Data Privacy and Security: They include robust data controls and auditing capabilities, essential for handling sensitive data.
  4. Solution Accuracy and Coherence: LLM software platforms help normalize prompt formats, benchmark performance, and manage orchestration pipelines.
  5. Complex Workflow Integration: They facilitate the integration of third-party data sources, enhancing the effectiveness of GenAI applications.
  6. Future-Proofing: These platforms ensure organizations can adapt to new models and capabilities with minimal disruption.

Considerations for Evaluating LLM Software Platforms

When selecting an LLM software platform, organizations should consider several strategic and technological attributes:

  • Broad Ecosystem Support: The platform should support a diverse range of LLMs and providers, allowing for flexibility and future adaptability.
  • Model Orchestration: It should offer sophisticated orchestration strategies to manage complex workflows and performance requirements.
  • Sandboxing Capabilities: The platform should enable rapid prototyping and iterative development.
  • Multi-Persona Tooling: It should support collaboration across various user roles, democratizing GenAI usage.
  • End-to-End Governance: Comprehensive lifecycle management, including auditability and cost management, is crucial.
  • Progressive Development Strategy: The platform should align with the organization’s current and future GenAI needs.

How Organizations Evaluate LLM Software Platforms

IDC's survey revealed that organizations prioritize different capabilities when evaluating LLM software platforms. Cost reporting and compliance auditing were among the top considerations, reflecting the need for transparency and adherence to regulatory standards. The diversity in evaluation criteria underscores the importance of a holistic approach to selecting a platform that aligns with both technological and business needs.


The potential of GenAI is immense, but realizing its full value requires a strategic approach that goes beyond the underlying models. By leveraging LLM software platforms, organizations can enhance the effectiveness of their GenAI deployments, ensuring flexibility, scalability, and continuous improvement. These platforms provide the necessary tools and capabilities to navigate the complexities of GenAI, enabling organizations to unlock significant business value and stay ahead in the rapidly evolving AI landscape.

Download the full IDC Analyst Brief: “Moving Beyond the Model to Maximize the Effectiveness and Reach of Generative AI Deployments," written by: Matt Arcaro, Research Director, Computer Vision and AI.

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